Your Coach

Jason Froats is the founder and President of Animare Coaching and a full time ADHD performance coach who specializes in helping individuals effectively manage their ADHD and co-related disorders. Serving clients globally, for over 14 years, his practice focuses squarely on achieving tangible performance in the professional, academic and personal lives of his clients. 


Living with ADHD on a daily basis is difficult. Jason intimately understands the challenges ADHD brings are often overwhelming and the solutions, almost always elusive.


Jason’s positive attitude towards ADHD inspires clients with hope that with proper management they can lead normal, productive lives.His gentle, yet outspoken style shifts focus from past failures to the discovery of new strengths.


Jason makes clients aware of ADHD’s often overlooked ‘super powers’, sharing examples of how some of the world’s greatest innovators, athletes and entrepreneurs transformed the world we live in by leveraging ADHD’s hidden strengths.


If procrastination is kryptonite for the ADHD’er, action is the cure. Jason empowers clients to take deliberate action, transforming fear into confidence and ‘failures’ into lessons to be leveraged.


Jason promotes a holistic approach by providing natural solutions which optimize diet, sleep and exercise as foundational supports to help clients best manage their ADHD. 


Jason holds an Honors BA degree in Medical Anthropology from McMaster University. He received professional coach training from CoachU (ICF accredited), is a graduate of ADHD coach training from JST Coaching LLC (ICF, CCE-Global & IAAC accredited) and is a practicing coach at the Chrysalis Centre for Psychological and Counselling Services in Markham, Ontario, and the Edge Foundation - a not-for-profit organization, based in Seattle which provides coaching for college and university students with ADHD.

Jason is a member of the Center for ADHD Awareness Canada (CADDAC) and Children & Adults with ADHD (CHADD Canada & CHADD USA). He is a frequent speaker, delivering keynotes to many organizations in the mental health arena, such as; the Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario (LDAO), Center for ADHD Awareness Canada (CADDAC / CADDRA) and the Ontario Medical Association - Physicians & Professionals Health Program of Canada (OMA-PHP). He has been featured as a guest on Rogers TV, in Parent magazine and in the OMA’s Ontario Medical Review, among many others.



Anyone who knows Jason or has listened to one of his extraordinary stories, knows that his life has been one of insatiable curiosity, wanderlust and adventure. 

Having explored distant corners of the globe, he believes in experiencing life to the fullest. From climbing Kilimanjaro to paragliding high over Mont Blanc’s glacier, drinking mint tea with Bedouins in a Saudi Arabian tent, to ‘scrubbing in’ with surgeons in a mission hospital in the heart of a Congolese jungle.

His active lifestyle also includes an eclectic collection of hobbies. He is a sailor who is most at home with his feet dangling in turquoise, Caribbean waters, a licensed pilot who continues to be mesmerized by the magic of lift, and a long-distance runner who loves nothing more than to run with his ‘sprollie’, Bailey in the forest. Most recently, he is a ‘rookie’ kitesurfer in training with many bumps and bruises to prove it. 

Jason draws from these life experiences to inspire his clients, embodying his philosophy that while ADHD can be a strong wind, when harnessed, it has no limits.

Most importantly, Jason is a loving husband and father of two.